At LMDSS, we are a community. We believe that every parent deserves the opportunity to access up-to-date information to other parents who can share first-hand experiences of raising a child with Down Syndrome.
Parent Support Meetings
Parent Support Meetings occur across the country and are hosted by parents of children with Down Syndrome and are designed to provide a welcoming, open environment to discuss experiences, challenges, concerns, and celebrations with each other.
Review past meetings here.
If you are a new parent who would like to attend a support meeting or talk to another parent one on one, please contact our office at 604-591-2722 or email us to set up an appointment.
In order to find some support groups near you, you may also check the CDSS website.
If you or someone you know is interested in joining our Outreach Parent Support Team, we would love your help! Please contact the Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society office to sign up for our next training course.
If you or a family member requires help and would like to speak with a counsellor please contact the LMDSS office at 604-591-2722.
Types of counseling that are covered is as follows:
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