Sexuality & Relationship Online Classes
The Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society (LMDSS) is pleased to have Jessica Wollen our Sexuality and Relationship specialist on our team.
Jessica is a teacher and a certified Sexual Health Educator. She has been providing education on a wide variety of topics to both typical and diverse learners throughout the Lower Mainland, in our school districts, and has presented at Professional Development Days to train Teachers, Education Assistants and Caregivers for the past 20 years.
Jessica is known for her sense of humor and ability to stimulate much-needed conversation surrounding body-science, sexual health, and healthy relationships.
About this Event
Ages 9 to 15 years
(Maximum 8 students)
Date: Starts on Sunday, September 27th to November 1st, 2020
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual (Zoom) Codes will be sent once you have registered.
LMDSS Members- $50.00 (for all 6 weeks) (subsidized by LMDSS)
Non-Members – $94.00 (for all 6 weeks)
This is a 6 week series and will cover the following topics.
1) Body Changes class one
2) Body Changes class two (public and private conversations and spaces)
3) Periods, pads and underwear (talking to the women in your life)
4) Friendship and big feelings
5) Friends in person, people we meet online – what’s the difference
6) Conclusion and online resources to keep learning
Ages 16+ years
(Maximum of 10 students)
Date: Starts on Sunday, September 27th to December 13th 2020
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual (Zoom) Codes will be sent once you have registered.
Cost: LMDSS Members- $100.00 (for all 12 weeks) (subsidized by LMDSS)
Non-Members – $150.00 (for all 12 weeks)
This is a 12 week series and will cover the following topics.
1) Self – Esteem, Self Compassion
2) Healthy Relationship
3) Dating
4) How to be a good Friend, standing up for yourself
5) Who to date & Dating rules
6) When are we ready to date
7) Loving & Respecting ourselves can lead to meaningful & fun relationships with family, friends, and dates
8) Talk about attraction, crushes, and dating
9) Intimacy & Sex
10) Online and in public safety
11) How to find boyfriends & girlfriends
12) It’s ok to not have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and dealing with the jealousy of friends in relationships