Refund Policy

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Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society
#481-13320-78th Ave, Surrey, B.C. V3W 0H6
Phone (604) 591-2722
Email | Website
Registered Charity CCRA BN 89162 1666 RR 0001

LMDSS Refund Policy

All refunds for services and programs must be done through the Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society office.

Refunds will be processed upon approval of the appointed executive board member(s).

  1. Cancelled services
    1. Service not provided
      1. Patron will receive 100 % of refund which includes the following:
        1. Fee for the service
        2. GST
    2. Partial service provided
      1. Patron will receive a prorated amount which will include the following:
        1. Prorated fee for the service
        2. GST
  2. Client initiated refund
    1. All transactions
      1. Patron will receive a prorated refund as follows:
        1. 0 to 20% used – 75% refund
        2. 21 to 49% used – 45% refund
        3. After 50% used – no refund

In extenuating circumstances alternate refunds may be granted.

(NOTE: LMDSS requests that a feedback form be submitted before processing an extenuating circumstances or partial refund.)